In 2008, I bought a Hoya 720nm infrared filter. I have seen some funky photos in the internet and when I went to a photography store (credits to the "Fotoshop" in Paderborn!) and saw the filter, I had to buy it! The first pictures with it were disappointing: the filter in front of the sensor does a pretty good job in keeping the infrared out. Finally, in 2016, I modified my trusty EOS 350D and removed the IR-blocking-filter in front of the sensor. However even then, I took only a few attempts in IR photography, especially as it is not that easy to take pictures with the 350D: It has no live-view and the autofocus and light metering does not work properly with the IR filter on the lens. Thus, everything is on manual... Furthermore, you get funky reflections in the lens system and the sharpness of the photos is not that good :D With the high ISO you can do with modern cameras, it is somewhat possible to do it without the sensor filter removal. Some pictures were taken with my normal camera, but with long exposure. All pictures were post-processed in darktable. You can notice that I try to put an artistic, rather than realistic touch to the photos. (But what is realistic on those pictures any ways!?)